Are you ready and qualified to buy your dream home?

How can you stand out from a crowd from the sea of home buyers that are out on the market? Get pre-approved! In various markets around the country,  the amount of home buyers actively looking for their dream homes greatly surpass the amount of homes that are for sale. With so much competition out there, …

4 Loans That Affect Your Mortgage Worthiness

Your credit score is a big deal when it comes to applying for a mortgage loan. It determines if your mortgage gets approved or not. But how does your existing debt affect it? First off, there's two different types of debts; secured and unsecured. Secured debt simply means that the lending institution has some security …

Did you know there’s certain homes that can disqualify your mortgage pre-approval?

Not a lot of people are aware that all mortgages have guidelines as to the condition of the home that can potentially disqualify the mortgage which is why lenders will use a licensed appraiser to review the home and determine the proper market value. When you get pre-approved, make sure you discuss with your lender …